Our Services
Using a homelike environment as a backdrop and a skilled team of therapists at every interaction, Our Hope ensures that you or your loved one will get the personalized and expert, compassionate attention needed to heal. We now offer Withdrawal Management services if these are services you or your loved one need. Our Hope's comprehensive continuum allows us to meet women's needs at all stages of readiness. This might begin with one of our thorough, completely confidential assessments, in our office or in the privacy of a woman's West Michigan home, with one of our Master's level Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselors. This assessment will:
Identify your unique needs and strengths.
Focus on your short-term goals as well as your future.
Take into account your whole self: physical, emotional, spiritual and social.
Propose therapy and other interactions designed to help you develop your inner strengths, new coping skills and support networks… critical resources needed for lifelong recovery.
Depending on your needs, your plan might include a combination of the following services:
Withdrawal Management for sub-acute detoxification
Our Signature Residential Treatment program, available in 90-day stays
Add-on and holistic care services
Women's Specialty Services
Our comprehensive continuum of services is
designed to treat each woman on an individual
basis and tailor her treatment plan to her unique
needs. Priority is given to women who have been
diagnosed with a substance use disorder as well
as any one or more of the following:
Intravenous drug use
Women involved with Child Protective Services
(CPS) due to substance dependence. -
Pregnant and Parenting Women are a Priority
admission to treatment services -
Mothers who wish to bring their infant into treatment
Ready to take the next step in your recovery?
We’re ready to help. Any woman interested in treatment at Our Hope Association is encouraged to call our Intake Coordinator at
616-451-2039 Ext 261 or fill out the Get Help Form to learn more or make an appointment to speak with a therapist.
*Helpful information for women seeking treatment at Our Hope, but who do not have the means to pay for it:
We accept Medicaid through our Community Mental Health (CMH) partners. If you have Medicaid, please reach out to your local CMH to get approval for treatment.
Kent County, Michigan Residents: If you reside in Kent County and do not have insurance or have Medicaid or the Kent Health Plan, you may qualify for financial assistance. Often it is as easy as making a phone call to a clinician. The Network 180 Access Center Helpline is open 24 hours a day, every day of the year. You can reach them at 1-800-749-7720.
We encourage any woman concerned about the cost of treatment at Our Hope, regardless where you reside, to call our Intake Coordinator or our Executive Director to discuss whether you may qualify for a grant from Our Hope's Financial Assistance Fund. Our business office, at 616-451-2039, is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.