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Our Board of Directors

Guiding women to recovery with experience and expertise…


Our Hope Association is supported by a Board of Directors whose members have diverse backgrounds and qualifications, but are unified in their commitment to help women achieve lifelong recovery from alcoholism, addiction and the mental health and emotional conditions related to these diseases. We are continuously seeking leaders who are mission-driven to serve as high impact volunteers and on our Board of Directors. If you are interested in becoming involved with Our Hope in this capacity, please email



Executive Committee



Carole Vander Pols


Vice President

Jim Tuinstra



Thomas Stuit



Julie Marklevitz


At Large Board Member

Margaret Chamberlain



Board Members


Richard Gritter


Linda LaBerteaux


Debra McNally


Lisbeth Votruba


Pamela Weiss


Craig Welch IV




** Our Hope is continuously seeking leaders who are mission-driven to serve as high impact volunteers and on our Board of Directors. If you are interested in becoming involved with Our Hope in this capacity, please email**


Committee Opportunities include: - Fund Development Committee - Operations and Properties Committee - Executive Committee

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