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Give Healing. Give Hope.

Our Hope is a non-profit, registered 501(c)3 charitable organization and all contributions are tax deductible to the extent provided by law.


Please send mail donations to 1256 Walker Ave NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504. If you would prefer to donate online, please click Donate.


Our Hope Funds

Many of our donors ask whether there are any special needs within the many facets of Our Hope that they might contribute to rather than giving a general donation. We’ve always been glad to discuss how each donor’s wishes and Our Hope’s needs might match, but want to let you know that Our Hope puts our clients first to ensure they have the best care possible. 


General Fund

This fund is open to all unspecified donations and its funds are used wherever they are most needed to best serve the women who walk through Our Hope’s doors. For example, they may be used to help one of our Master’s level Clinical Therapists continue her relevant education, enable the organization to stay current in the area of technology, help pay monthly expenses or address needs in any number of other areas that are not specifically covered by the other funds. Donations to this fund are always appreciated because of the obvious flexibility provided. Trust that any expenditure is made with the needs of the women served as the most important consideration.​


Please send mail donations to 1256 Walker Ave NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504. If you would prefer to donate online, please click Donate.


Did you know that Our Hope is able to accept securities as donations in addition to cash and credit cards?

If you are interested in making a donation of long term appreciated property to Our Hope, like marketable securities, we are able to accept these into a special account. In fact, you may realize greater tax benefits by donating securities directly to Our Hope in addition to or in lieu of your cash/credit card donations. For example, you may not have to pay capital gains tax on the appreciated value of the directly donated securities and their donation value is the fair market value on the date of your gift, which may be deductible on your individual return. We recommend that you consult a tax professional for guidance in your specific situation, but would be glad to discuss this opportunity with you. For more information, please contact us at or 616-451-2039.


We’d love to discuss sustaining gifts with you

If you have an interest in helping Our Hope on a sustaining basis by setting up an endowment or a perpetual annual gift, we’d love to discuss this with you. Perhaps most beneficial to the women we serve would be sponsorship of one or more of our thirteen beds or an entire single, double or triple guestroom. Please call 616-451-2039 to set up an appointment to discuss long-term gifts.


Our Hope Association is an independent 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization and relies on charitable contributions to supplement earned income and public funding. All gifts are tax deductible.

General Fund
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